Monday, November 10, 2008


  • The candle nut is similar (though "rougher") in flavor and texture to the macadamia nut, which has a similarly high oil content. It is mildly toxic when raw.
  • The nut is often used cooked in Indonesian cuisine and Malaysian, where it is called kemiri in Indonesian or buah keras in Malay. In Java of Indonesia, it is used to make a thick sauce which is eaten with vegetables and rice.
  • Several parts of the plant have been used in traditional medicine in most of the areas where it is native. The oil is an irritant and purgative and sometimes used like castor oil. It is also used as a hair stimulant or additive to hair treatment systems. The seed kernels have a laxative effect. In Japan its bark has been used on tumors. In Sumatra, pounded seeds, burned with charcoal, are applied around the navel for costiveness. In Malaya, the pulped kernels or boiled leaves are used in poultices for headache, fevers, ulcers, swollen joints, and gonorrhea. In Java, the bark is used for bloody diarrhea or dysentery.
  • In ancient Hawai'i, the nuts, named kukui were burned to provide light. The nuts were strung in a row on a palm leaf midrib, lit one end, and burned one by one every 15 minutes or so. This led to their use as a measure of time. One could instruct someone to return home before the second nut burned out.
  • In Tonga, still nowadays, ripe nuts, named tuitui are pounded into a paste, tukilamulamu, used as soap or shampoo.
  • Candle nuts are also roasted and mixed into a paste with salt to form a Hawaiian condiment known as inamona. Inamona is a key ingredient in traditional Hawaiian poke. It's the Hawaiian state tree.
  • Dead wood of candlenut is eaten by a larva of a coleoptera called Agrionome fairmairei. This larva is eaten by some people.

Modern cultivation is mostly for the oil. In plantations, each tree will produce 30–80 kg of nuts, and the nuts yield 15 to 20% of their weight in oil. Most of the oil is used locally rather than figuring in international trade.


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omyosa said...

Tersedia MACADAMIA NUT OIL yang bermanfaat bagi penderita Jantung, obesitas, dan Diabetes dengan harga perdana Rp. 150.000,- per kemasan botol cantik dan exlusive @ 250 ml. Sudah ada ijin Ditjen POM, import langsung dari negara asal penghasil Macadamia Nut Oil “AUSTRALIA”.
Info lengkap dapat melalui sms ke : 081310104072 atau melalui e-Mail ke:

omyosa said...

Sekedar informasi :
Kami punya persediaan MACADAMIA NUT OIL dalam kemasan botol exlusive @ 250 ml, dan dalam jumlah yang cukup. Produk ini diimport dari negara asal penghasil Macadamia Nut, AUSTRALIA. Macadamia Nut Oil mengandung lemak sehat omega-3 dan lemak-lemak tak jenuh tunggal yang dapat menurunkan kolesterol jahat LDL.
Informasi lengkap bisa hubungi kami melalui e-Mail ke :



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