Blended Spices:
- 4 cloves of shallot
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 3 pieces of candlenut
- 1 piece of red chili
- 1 teaspoon of shrimp paste
- salt and brown sugar as desired
Grind all spices in a mortar or blend in a blender (add a little amount of water if using blender)
Solid Ingredients:
- 3 cm of galangale, crushed
- 3 salam leaves
- 100 gram of beef meat, small chopped
- 1/4 young jackfruit, medium diced
- 1 chayote, peeled and diced
- 2 corns, divided into 3 parts
- 2 handfull gnetum gnemon (melinjo) and the leaves (if desired)
- 100 gram of string bean, medium chopped
- 1 fresh tamarind
Cooking direction
Boil 600 ml of water in a stewpan. Add blended spices, galangale, salam leaves, beef meat, young jackfruit, chayote, corns, melinjo & the leaves. Boil until all ingredients nicely cook and tender. Add string bean, cook again for 3 minutes or until string beans cooked. Take out, served warm in a bowl.